Who Has Your Heart?
The one I love calls to me: “Arise, my dearest.
Hurry, my darling. Come away with me!
I have come as you have asked
to draw you to my heart and lead you out.
For now is the time, my beautiful one.”
— Song of Songs 2:10 (TPT)
Welcome to Season 4! What an incredible kick-off we had on Tuesday night! We absolutely loved seeing all of you there, and if you couldn’t make it, we missed you! If you missed it, make sure to watch it here.
We gathered, we ate, we worshiped, we received such an encouraging word, and we were sent out with this beautiful invitation:
“Arise, and come away with me!”
These words are coming straight from the heart of God to us as His daughters. His desire is for us. His heart is inclined toward us. He wants our attention and affection. So, what is keeping you from giving it to Him fully? What hinders you from daily knowing and living in His perfect presence?
Who has your heart?
If we treasured Jesus and truly prioritized Him, we would make time for Him—because we make time for what is important to us. Whatever or whomever has our heart also has our time. Think about it. We give our time to that which also has our heart. And while the forced pause in 2020 from the hamster wheel of life was a good and necessary thing, are we defaulting right back to that hurried, hustled pace once again? Are we filling our days and hours and schedules with more than they can hold, leaving us little to no room for time with Jesus? Do we have margin and make space for His presence?
Friend...sister...who has your heart? Who has your energy, time, and affection? Who has your gaze? Jesus is inviting you today to give it to Him, to come away with Him. And this is not an invitation to more striving and doing. It’s not an invitation to put yourself together and make yourself more presentable before accepting it. It’s an invitation to come as you are, weary and burdened and tired, and find rest in the only One who can give it. It’s an invitation to relationship with the One who created you to be in relationship with Him.
Often times, my intentions are good, but my priorities just aren’t. I want to spend time with Jesus, but I end up putting just about everything else before Him...my phone, my emails, my job, my family, my schedule, my...my...my...my. Do you see a pattern here? We so often put self before Christ, and then we wonder why our souls feel so depleted and empty. Jesus is the only One who can fill the emptiness inside of you. Jesus is the only One who can satisfy the desire in your heart. And Jesus is the One who is standing at the door of your heart, knocking, waiting, asking if you will let Him in.
So I will ask you again, friends. Who has your heart? Because whatever or whomever has your heart also has your time. Return to the One who is inviting you today.
Arise and come away with Him.
- Cherie Wagner, Arise Discipleship Lead
About Cherie
Founder of Neue Thing, Inc. and author of several Bible studies and books for women that encourage them to know and believe God’s Word, equip them to live it, and empower them to take it and transform this generation for Jesus Christ.