At Arise, our vision is to provide spaces for women to encounter Jesus and champion one another. Here are a few ways for you to join the movement!
ARISE meets for Arise Night, Arise Serve, and Arise Serve once a quarter. Unity is the heartbeat of Arise and our mission is to unite women from across the valley for the common mission of arising and being a light in this generation. We do this by worshipping together, serving together, and gathering together.
This is an event for women and girls of all ages, churches, backgrounds and beliefs to come together. We believe that when we come together as ONE Church we get a glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. The Light shines brighter when we are as ONE!
One of the core values of The ARISE Movement is serving. We do this by highlighting an organization in our city each month to give, donate or serve in some capacity. The Gospel calls us to give generously to others. These opportunities allow for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.
Wake up with ARISE every Saturday morning as our team of writers focus in on a specific topic each month. These blogs are to deepen our faith in God and knowledge of His Word. One of our values at ARISE is “growth” and this is one way that we hope to help you grow in your spiritual life!
Prayer is essential in life and at ARISE. We want to be a movement propelled by prayer. There is a prayer team that prays over ARISE each month. We want you to know that we are available at anytime if you need prayer. Contact us via social, email, or fill out this Request Form and we will pray for you!
Soul Care
Soul care is a space and starting point to help women find healing from mental, emotional and spiritual wounds. Soul care provides a pathway to healing and helps connect with appropriate resources. This is not counseling but a space to connect you with what you need! *If you are a licensed professional and would like to be a resource, let us know!
Want to connect with other women across the city more than just the time at the event? You can volunteer on one of our ARISE Teams! These teams include: Setup & Decor (Experience), Welcome, Connect, Outreach, Prayer, Social Media, and Worship. If you are interested in serving monthly, or a few times throughout the year - let us know!

Get Involved
Volunteer to serve at the next Arise Night!