Our Team
Cherie Wagner
As a wife, mother, mentor, and teacher of God’s Word, Cherie Wagner has dedicated her life to knowing Jesus Christ and making Him known. Cherie founded Neue Thing in 2011, a ministry dedicated to encouraging, equipping, and empowering women with God’s Word. Author of Found On My Knees, Awake O Sleeper, Rest, HOPE: Tethered to an Unwavering God, and Psalms for Life, Cherie boldly proclaims God’s Word while taking women on a journey to deepen their faith and understanding of Jesus. Cherie was born and raised in Chicago, but transplanted to the desert of Arizona in 2006. She is a wife to Jeremy and a mom to their son, Redford. Though a city girl at heart, Cherie also enjoys weekend getaways with her family up north in the mountains. But most often, you’ll find Cherie, coffee cup in hand, surrounded by a group of women in her living room, diving into God’s Word. Connect with Cherie at neuething.org.
Birthday: August 20
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Verse: "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19
Favorite Place to Eat: Pizano's Pizza in Chicago
Favorite Season: Winter, but real winter, not Arizona winter
Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere with my husband and son
Coffee or Tea? Is this even a question? Coffee, 100%.
Morning person or Night owl? Only, ever, and always a night owl.
Beach or Mountains? Mountains please!
Fun Personality Fact: I'm a natural leader, but I don't always want to be in charge. I love to be led well.
Contact Cherie
Contact Cherie on Instagram @neuethinginc or use the form below!