Where God Shows Up
What a week this has been! What a month! It’s hard to believe that March’s Arise was already almost four weeks ago. Where does the time go?
It’s been busy and even quite stressful for me these past few weeks. Since I was with you all at Arise, my family and I packed up our home and moved into a new one, I traveled to Chicago and then drove down to Florida to be with my family for the celebration of life for my great aunt. I’ve packed and unpacked more boxes than I ever want to think about again. I’ve driven more miles and seen more states in a matter of just a few days than ever before. And in the midst of all that I’ve been trying to shoulder (the busyness, the responsibilities, the parenting, etc.), it’s easy to forget about the beautiful connection with Jesus that we all had just a few short weeks ago at Arise…or maybe that’s just me.
If you know me at all, you’ll know these two things to be true of me:
I want to know Jesus Christ.
I want to make Jesus Christ known.
This is why I do what I do—why I write and teach God’s Word—because I believe God’s Word changes people. It has changed me, and I’ve witnessed it change countless others. It has been such an honor for me to be a part of Arise these past 3 years, and God never ceases to amaze me every month in how He shows up.
Because God shows up where He is invited.
Have you ever thought about that? Where does God show up? Is He contained to church buildings on Sunday mornings or Bible study classrooms on Wednesday nights? What about women’s events like Arise? Allow me to again deliver this truth to you today:
God shows up where He is invited.
He won’t force His way into human hearts. Rather, He will stand at the door and knock. He wants to come in, but He won’t barrel down the door. He wants to be invited. Those who desire His presence will have it, because that is what His Word promises.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” — Jeremiah 29:13
Because God shows up in His people.
I witness this to be true each month at Arise. Women from all walks of life, with incredibly different backgrounds and all in different places in their walks with Jesus, come together one night a month for one purpose: to worship Jesus. We eat great food, we connect with one another and make new friends, we worship and pray together, and we leave encouraged. Because God shows up. Why?
God shows up in His people because we house His Spirit.
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” — 1 Corinthians 6:19
The next time you’re wondering where God is or what He’s up to, remember this: If you are in Christ, God’s Spirit resides in you. He goes where you go. He is at work within you, and He is at work around you and through you. Don’t miss His presence. Don’t miss His whispers. Don’t miss His fingerprints.
- Cherie Wagner, Arise Discipleship Lead
About Cherie
Founder of Neue Thing, Inc. and author of several Bible studies and books for women that encourage them to know and believe God’s Word, equip them to live it, and empower them to take it and transform this generation for Jesus Christ.