Seek First
A journey through the gospels reveals a sea of red lettering. From Bethlehem to Calvary, Jesus’ words are sprinkled with crimson red. In Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, His words are prominent. These Biblical books document Jesus’ earthly ministry and the three years Jesus walked, talked, and traveled on foot with His disciples, spreading the news of the imminent Kingdom of Heaven. He trekked from place to place and crowds flocked to Him so they could catch every word He spoke. We have the gift of these same words recorded in red, so we can know His heart. In Matthew 6, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke three powerful words that are contrary to many of our daily thoughts:
“Do not worry.”
Worry is a plague. It saturates each and every one of us. It’s a disease of our nation. It’s crippling and debilitating. It prevents us from moving and often allows us to stay stuck.
Two toxic words often inhabit our thought life. What if… We twirl and toy with these two words over and over again, rehearsing them as if they are our favorite song. What if I lose my job? What if I never discover my calling? What if I never meet the man I’ve been praying for? What if I don’t have children? What if… Worries are soundtracks we play on a loop in our mind.
But in the Sermon on Mount, Jesus gives us two new words in exchange for our worries. Seek first.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6:33-34 NIV
We spend our sleepless nights doing the very thing Jesus warned us not to do. Worrying. If we dig deeper, we find the root of worry is a lack of trust and a persistent need for control. While we rehearse these loops of worry, we are working ourselves into persistent anxiety. Anxiety starts in the mind and permeates to our bodies until anxiety engulfs us. Meditate on this word for a moment.
“Surrender your anxiety. Be silent and stop your striving, and you will see that I am God.”Psalm 46:10 TPT
Christ’s words in Matthew 6 are clear: Do not worry. Yet worrying is our favorite pastime. But what would happen if we took those worries and brought them into the light. What if we took every toxic what if, and recorded them? What would that song sound like? What patterns could we discover about the lies and falsities we are believing?
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV
It is time for us to learn how to practically take every thought captive. To identify our worries, speak them out, and replace our what ifs for Jesus’ commandment seek first. Over the Lenten season, I’ve been fasting and the act of giving up has made space for Jesus to speak and work through some of my personal anxieties and worrisome thoughts. It’s been a powerful practice and discipline. When I find myself in these feedback loops, I stop myself immediately and write down what I’m thinking about and work through them with the Lord. I’ve even found myself rehearsing Matthew 6 as substitution for my worries. Seek first. Jesus knows the path paved with worry is treacherous, so that’s why He offered us another way.
“Come to me all you who are worried and heavy burdened and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-29 NIV
Worry brings mental slavery upon ourselves. But when we release and receive, He replaces our worries with His peace and truth. What is the one worry keeping you up at night? It’s time to lay it down at Jesus’ feet. Your burdens are heavy but He promises His way is light.
If Jesus knelt gently before you now, and said, “Daughter release it to me.” What comes to mind? Can you see yourself standing before Him, hands open, physically placing the worry at His feet? He’s looking with you with tears in His eyes, He grabs your hands, and you are filled with perfect peace. Sister, He died for your worries. And He conquered the grave and rose in three days so you never have to carry those burdens again. Daughter you are free, walk in victory, and seek first.
- Kierstin Almstrum, ARISE Director of Online Operations and Project Management
About Kierstin
Kierstin is a writer and licensed and trained Christian counselor, certified in trauma informed care. She believes wholeness is a journey and, through the work of the Holy Spirit, what once was broken can become whole. Her passion is to equip others with the tools needed to start their journey. She is a published writer, featured in Truly Magazine.