Praying God’s Word

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The journey of learning how to pray Scripture has marked the past decade of my life, and it has impacted my faith in profound ways—It has truly changed my life. Over 10 years ago, I came across a book called Praying God’s Word by Beth Moore, and I have never been the same since. I had zero idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to learn how to use the Sword of the Spirit (which Ephesians 6:17 tells us is the Word of God), but let me tell you this:

When we infuse Scripture into our prayers, it’s like throwing a stick of dynamite at the enemy.

When we pray God’s Word back to Him, we are literally breathing faith over our circumstances.

I want us to learn how to flex this spiritual muscle of prayer while learning how to use our sword. Remember, our sword was intended to slay our enemy, not to be used as a weapon against one another. I want us to experience breakthrough and freedom from strongholds, which Scripture tells us is possible when we combine these weapons of the Word and prayer. Will you join me?

To get us started and to prepare us for next month’s theme of prayer, I’ve shared one of my own prayers with you below that I wrote years ago as I was first learning how to pray God’s Word. I hope that this gives you a framework and an idea of what this looks like and how to start.

I’ve taken different verses from the Bible and rewrote them into a prayer for us to pray. I’m so excited to Pray God’s Word with you.

Now, let’s declare these words of faith together in prayer!

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love. According to your great compassion, cleanse me from all my sin. (Psalm 51:1-2) When all that is within me feels parched and broken, frail and weak, remind me of your unfailing love and your covenant of peace that you promise to not remove from my life. (Isaiah 54:10)

When I am confused and afraid, teach me to lean into you, to depend solely upon you, and to trust completely in you Lord with all of my heart and to resist the temptation to rely upon my own understanding of the situation. (Proverbs 3:5) When my hurt overwhelms me and my sorrow aches within me, gently remind me that your healing work within me is most effective when I’m choosing to trust you.

When I’m bound by discouragement and the pieces of my broken heart surrounding me are all that I can see, might I call to mind your faithfulness that you were sent to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty for the captives, and to open the prison doors to those who are bound! (Isaiah 61:1)

Though the weight of my disappointment is real and my pain is near tangible, your presence is more real, and upon you I draw my strength. Because your mercies toward me are new each and every morning, I am not consumed. (Lamentations 3:22-23) Because your love is better than life, my lips will praise you. (Psalm 63:3) Because you, O Lord, are my rock and my fortress, I will wait upon you, and I will not be shaken. (Psalm 62:1-2) Because you have promised to complete the good work you have started in me (Philippians 1:6), I will trust you in my brokenness that you will use even this for my good and that you will glorify yourself through my life. (Romans 8:28)

Help me to believe that not one ounce of pain, not one hour of brokenness, not one season of discouragement is wasted when I choose to unite myself with you and your purposes. You alone are able to create wholeness out of my brokenness, to make beauty from my ashes. May I not withhold a single fiber of my being from your healing embrace. Although it is impossible for me to piece back together what has been shattered and torn, there is not one thing that is impossible for you. (Matthew 19:26)

So as I continue in this brokenness for however long you see fit, meet me with your spoken Word, and sing over me, “My grace is sufficient for you.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

- Cherie Wagner, Arise Discipleship Lead


About Cherie

Founder of Neue Thing, Inc. and author of several Bible studies and books for women that encourage them to know and believe God’s Word, equip them to live it, and empower them to take it and transform this generation for Jesus Christ.

Cherie Wagner

Founder of Neue Thing, Inc. and author of several Bible studies and books for women that encourage them to know and believe God’s Word, equip them to live it, and empower them to take it and transform this generation for Jesus Christ.

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