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Laurie Davies
Marketing Strategist + Content Creator
A journalist and marketer-turned-ministry leader, I have been writing since my advanced composition teacher told me in high school that I broke too many rules. I've worked in journalism, corporate marketing, and vocational ministry. Oh, and there was that one job at Arby's. Now an author, speaker, and lay counselor, I love helping women live lighter. My friends call me a baggage handler! I don't care what people call me if I help them set down bags that God never asked them to carry. I'm a regular contributor to Guideposts and I'm the resident writer on difficult family dynamics for The Joyful Life. I live in Mesa with my husband Greg and my son Morgan, who is the best story I've ever written.
Birthday: March 2nd
Favorite Color: Blue, but none of that splashing green in there and calling it good. Give it to me in azure or midnight, please
Favorite Verse: Jeremiah 12:5 (changed my life)
Favorite Place to Eat: Wherever tacos and friends meet
Favorite Season: Season? Does Phoenix have seasons?
Favorite Vacation Spot: New York City and Maui — confusing, I know
Coffee or Tea? Coffee, and I won't be taking questions
Morning person or Night owl? I write until 2 or 3 a.m., so I guess technically, both
Beach or Mountains? Beach, but I don't love sand in my toes. Weird.
Fun Personality Fact: I'm a collision of opposite traits—I got straight A's but I'm a class clown. I'm a home body who loves to travel. I spend hours alone writing, but I love people. (If you're new here and don't know anyone, find me. We'll be friends, I just know it.)
Contact Laurie
Contact Laurie on Instagram or use the form below!