Your Story Matters

Stories. We all have them. Our stories give context to our lives and provides a greater understanding of where we have been and where we are now. As Christians, our stories tell the narrative of Jesus’ encounter with us. One day, Jesus met me there. In scripture we find countless examples of Jesus encountering people in the Bible, in their everyday and mundane. But He left them changed. “It was an ordinary day, but then I met Jesus and I was never the same again.”

That’s the transforming power of the gospel. The day we meet Jesus, He makes everything right side up in our upside-down world. Suddenly we see with new eyes. Our food tastes better. We love deeper. We uncover a greater purpose. And we are awakened to a whole new mission.

When Jesus left His disciples on earth, He gave them one charge, and He enlisted us with the same charge:

“All authority on heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:18-20 NIV

Go. What does it mean to go? When Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went to work and shared the story of their encounter with Jesus. They were first hand eye witnesses of Jesus’ life on earth and they had a story to tell. In their going, they shared their story. Sometimes we overcomplicate it and think we have to have the “right” words to say and we don’t want to “mess up” the gospel message. But here is the truth dear sister, you have a story to tell. Your story is indisputable. Your story matters.

Hear this again, your story matters! Your story is a weapon against the enemy. In fact, the enemy will do anything to keep you quiet. He will whisper lies of worthlessness and inadequacy in your ears and tell you that nothing you say is of merit. But Jesus calls us, daughter. He calls you daughter. He calls you worthy. He tells you to arise and go, because he has healed you. And it is time to tell your story. Your testimony is powerful. It is a weapon against the enemy, so yes, the devil will tell you anything, to keep your mouth shut.

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” Revelation 12:11 NIV

It is His blood, the blood of the Lamb, that saves. Therefore, He has given us authority under His blood. And through His blood, we speak words of triumph and victory. We are not victims or mere survivors under Jesus’ blood, we are victors!

“No in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
Romans 8:37 NIV

We must learn to tell our story, so Jesus is the focal point. Self must leave the throne. I was so lost. I was blind. But Jesus. Jesus saw me. He met me at the place of my brokenness. He bent down and picked me up, healed me, and restored me. He made me free. He made me victorious. But it is only because of Jesus.

Think about your story, sister. Someone needs to hear it. Someone in your everyday life needs to hear about the Blood and the Lamb, and they need to hear your testimony- because what Jesus has done in and through you matters. It’s kingdom currency.

And guess what, sis? We have a helper, the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to make you brave and ask Him to show you how to tell your story. Before we encounter and receive the Holy Spirit, we cower in weakness. But the Holy Spirit produces radical courage in us. When we are filled with the Spirit, words come out of our mouth that are not our own. We are emboldened to go and tell. This truth is especially evidenced in Jesus’ instructions to the disciples. He knew they were not yet brave enough to take on the charge of the great commission. So, He commanded them to wait until they were gifted with the Holy Spirit.

“For you are my witnesses and have seen for yourselves all that transpired. And I will send the fulfillment of the Father’s promise to you. So stay here in the city until the mighty power of heaven falls upon you and wraps around you.”
Luke 24:48 NIV

Only then, would they have they have the courage to go and tell. Acts 2 tells the account of the spineless disciple’s transformation into fearless apostles who spoke with power and authority. And we, too, have been gifted with this same power through the Holy Spirit. And it is time to tell the story.

Daughter, Christ’s blood makes you worthy. Because of your personal encounter with the Lamb, you have a story to tell.

And yes, dear one, your story matters!

- Kierstin Almstrum, ARISE Director of Online Operations and Project Management

About Kierstin

Kierstin is a licensed and trained Christian counselor, certified in trauma informed care. She believes wholeness is a journey and, through the work of the Holy Spirit, what once was broken can become whole. Her passion is to equip others with the tools needed to start their journey. She is a published writer, featured in Truly Magazine.


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