What Legacies Are You Writing?
Our consistencies are our legacies.
Maybe what is at stake is greater than we know. Or maybe, just maybe, the kind of life we are giving up when we neglect time with God is a life of triumph and generational impact.
I remember getting up early one morning when I was young and rushing to the living room. I usually never got up this early, but for some reason I was wide awake. I stopped suddenly when I saw my mom sitting calmly in her comfy chair by the living room window, drinking her coffee, and reading the bible. It didn’t take long before she realized I was standing there, and she invited me over for a hug.
"Good morning sweet girl,” she greeted me.
Of course, the first thing out of my mouth was, “Can I have some breakfast?" I know, I know. Kids, right?
My mom kindly brushed my hair behind my ears and said, “I have 30 more minutes. Feel free to get some cereal, or you can wait until I am done and I will get it for you. I'm not quite finished yet."
At that moment, I knew what she was doing was important. I realized who came first. Little did I know, my mom was in that spot every morning spending time with Jesus. Whenever I woke up early, that is where I would find her—in the same spot, at the same time, reading the Word, and praying over our family.
She prioritized these early morning moments of getting away with God. She was consistent and faithful. She didn’t always feel like it. There were mornings that she was tired and preferred extra sleep, but she knew it was crucial for overcoming the day to day things as a mom and a wife. She knew that her time with God gave her something she could not get anywhere else. It was something she could not live without.
When we answer God's call to "Arise and come away,” we create a pathway for legacy.
"The one I love calls to me: Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one.”
— Song of Songs 2:10 TPT
Communing with God is a choice that makes a much bigger difference than we often realize, not only in our day to day, but also in our future and the future of those around us. The strength, wisdom, and peace that comes from our time with God is worth the extra time not sleeping in or the aimless scrolling on our phones. Time spent with Him fills us, strengthens us, and encourages us.
The beautiful choices we make to prioritize Jesus above all else will unlock triumph and mark a legacy for others watching and those to come. Making God our daily priority is choosing to embark on a journey living closely with Him that will result in triumph and end in lasting legacy. I am proof of this, and I want you to be, too.
- Lauren Gilleylen, Marketing Lead
About Lauren
Lauren is a women’s ministry leader and the Marketing Lead at ARISE. She has always had a heart for young girls and women finding their identity, freedom and strength through their relationship with God