The Arise Movement

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What is Faith?

Hello Ariser!

I hope you have been loving these Saturday morning devotionals. I have been especially encouraged by these past few weeks on the topic of faith. As we are preparing to gather together again next week for February’s Arise, this question has been stirring in my heart:

What is faith?

Hebrews 11 tells us that faith is a conviction and a certainty. So, how do we possess faith, and what does it look like lived out in our lives? As I’ve studied Scripture and what it has to say about faith, I wanted to share this definition of faith with you and then break it apart into four pieces to slowly digest.

What is faith?

Faith is believing the Word of God and acting on it no matter how I feel because God promises a good result.

…believing God’s Word.

This is the attitude that declares, “God’s Word says it. I believe it. That settles it.” It is the heart that refuses to replace God’s truth with man’s reasoning and human understanding. Saving faith stands upon the truth of God’s Word as its ultimate authority in all things. Genuine faith elevates God’s Word above all else, recognizing that even man’s greatest wisdom is foolishness to God. Faith is believing God’s Word.

…acting on God’s Word.

This is the attitude that refuses to merely hear God’s Word, but rather is compelled to do what it says. Faith in action is faith that is alive. Acting on God’s Word requires a conviction that what God’s Word says is true. Obedience is doing what God’s Word says. Hearing the Word of God and doing it are two very different things. Faith is acting on God’s Word.

...refusing to allow feelings to lead.

This is the attitude that recognizes the danger in following emotions and feelings. The heart is the seat of our emotions. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. To live our lives by the mantra “follow your heart” is simply foolishness. Rather, follow God’s Word. Believe it. Act on it. No matter how you feel, choose to believe that feelings must follow and faith must lead. Faith is refusing to allow feelings to lead.

…believing that God promises a good result.

This is the attitude that understands that faith pleases God. God’s pleasure alone is a good end result and should therefore be the desire of our hearts. Yet, God goes beyond that and also chooses to bless us for our faith. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Faith is believing that God promises a good result.

What is the hardest thing about faith for you? Is it believing God’s Word? Acting on it? Refusing to allow your feelings to lead you? Or believing that God promises a good result? How does exposure to God’s Word affect your faith? Look up Hebrews 11:6 and write it down. Try to even memorize it this week! Let’s make it our aim grow in our faith and walk by faith!

- Cherie Wagner, Discipleship Lead
Founder of Neue Thing, Inc.