What Hope Looks Like
I’ve been thinking lately about what my walk with the Lord looks like to those around me.
What does it look like when we have hope?
Does it affect anyone else? Do people notice? Are friends, family, and maybe even strangers intrigued?
Colossians 1 gives a glimpse into some specific outcomes when we truly have hope.
“…for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints because of the hope reserved for you in heaven.”
Colossians 1:4-5a
Did you catch the two things on display because of hope? Faith in Christ Jesus and love for others.
Hope is more than just a wish or a desire. It quite literally fuels our ability to have faith in Jesus and to show love to those around us. That’s pretty powerful stuff. And it’s grounded in the truth of the Gospel, which means it’s so much more than what our culture defines it to be.
I love the definition Cherie Wagner gives in her book titled, Hope. “Hope is a strong and confident expectation. Hope is unwavering trust in the unchanging character of God.”
Because hope is all about God’s character and not our circumstances, we can lean into it with such confidence.
Experiencing hope from God allows us to live with faith and love. (And guess what? People take notice!)
So, as you long for chances to build God’s Kingdom, as you pray consistently for those who are lost, and as you ask God to give you opportunities to share His love, I want to encourage you with something today. Spend some time remembering the hope you have. How have you experienced hope from the Lord? What does it mean to you?
As we truly experience hope in the Lord, it’s going to overflow, friends!
I’m praying for others to see in you the bright hope of Jesus. I pray that it will be on display in each of us and that God, in His grace, will open opportunities for others to receive it too!
— Emily Heaton
About Emily
As a worship leader, singer, and content writer, Emily is passionate about communication. Through her copywriting business (Words By Emily) as well as her experience in songwriting and blogging, she loves to use words to creatively communicate truth.