Throw Off What Entangles
I loved last week how we talked about the daily need to “resurrender” our will, our desires, and our motives to the LORD. What a perfect reminder for our new year!
It got me thinking…
What, specifically, causes us to need renewal? The concept of renewal implies that something has been disturbed, interrupted, or stopped.
What interrupts our walk with Jesus? Hebrews tells us we can become easily entangled by sin that prevents us from running the good race Jesus has marked out for us.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,”
Hebrews 12:1
If we’re being honest, there might be a long list of regular culprits that entangle us in our race, stemming from pride, fear, shame, discouragement, busyness, selfishness, and I could go on. But, to live lives of daily surrender to the LORD, it’s imperative to know what interrupts us as we run our race and how to bring about renewal.
Deception interrupts our race.
Satan only uses a few tactics…but it’s because they’ve worked since Genesis 3. Remember when he distorted the truth and deceived Eve, enticing her to disobey God? Doesn’t that just make you madder than mad? I don’t think it’s helpful to live in a constant panic that Satan will do the same to us…but I do think it’s helpful to get serious about knowing the Truth in God’s Word so we demolish any chance of believing lies.
Our defense against the deception of the Enemy is knowing God’s Word. God renews your mind when you read His Word. Seek Him. Know His Word. Take defense against the Enemy’s deception with the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6).
Persistent temptations interrupt our race.
Another way to interrupt running our race is to fall prey to the persistence of temptations. We read many accounts in the Bible of temptations in repetition (Samson and Delilah, Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, Peter’s denial of Christ, etc.).
I’ve been reading Job, and goodness gracious the persistence of his friends giving terrible advice is agonizing to read again and again, chapter after chapter. If we are not grounded and steadfast in our faithfulness (thank you, Job!), we will become weary and give in to temptation. This, no doubt, takes a daily renewal of our spiritual strength, and we have to rely 100% on God’s strength for it to be effective against temptations (Psalm 46:1).
Division interrupts our race.
Did you know that Jesus said a prayer for you when He lived on this earth, and it’s recorded in the Bible? I don’t want to spoil the fun, so take a moment to read John 17:20-23.
I find it very telling that the request Jesus brings before God the Father on our behalf is that we would be one. Wow. Jesus knows that the Enemy loves to divide. He knows division will not set apart His church, but unity will. There are too many opportunities for division in this world. When God renews us, we have the capability to live in unity with one another, showing love. Showing forgiveness. And displaying the fruit of the Spirit, which looks like the opposite of this divided world. Prioritize living in unity with one another.
Don’t put up with the things that entangle you.
Throw them off, and be renewed in Christ today and every day.
— Emily Heaton
About Emily
As a worship leader, singer, and content writer, Emily is passionate about communication. Through her copywriting business (Words By Emily) as well as her experience in songwriting and blogging, she loves to use words to creatively communicate truth.