Sticky Notes
There was a season of my faith defined by sticky notes. Adhered to the walls of my cubicle was a sea of sticky notes. They were tacked on every square inch of space, including my windows. My view was completely obscured. It was certainly a sight. It was not uncommon for people to stop dead in their tracks to comment on the unusual number of sticky notes because It was so peculiar. But during this time, I was so eager, so hungry, to hear from God, and to grow in Him. These sticky notes kept me focused intentional, and fixed on the path of life. Even though I was walking through a strenuous season, these sticky notes served as a reminder of what God was doing. They kept my mind fixed on the eternal and grounded me in my most tiresome moments.
“So no wonder we don’t give up. For even though our outer person gradually wears out, our inner being is renewed every single day. We view our slight, short lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison, because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 TPT
At the time, I was embarking on a chronological trek through Scripture. In return, God began to reveal himself to me in a whole new way. Scripture came alive. The words penned so many years ago jumped out at me in the here and now. He taught me priceless lessons concerning His nature. The deeper I dug, the more I saw His face. So, when he revealed something new, I recorded it on a sticky note. Over and over I engaged in this discipline, until the walls were filled. I wanted to remember. His words were a gift.
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”
Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV
Did you know He wants to grant you access to the secret things? God wants you to know His truth. He wants you to taste it, experientially, not just on the page. But, in order to receive this gift, we must be willing seekers. Are we willing to be treasure hunters of the Word? He has more for you, waiting to be discovered in Scripture. Just as He revealed truth to His disciples, God will make His Word known to you, when you are ready to receive.
“Then He opened their minds so that they could understand the Scriptures.”
Luke 24:45
The sticky notes no longer occupy those walls. But I keep them as a reminder of that beautiful season. God is, and always has been, up to something. As I sift through those priceless words and promises, I’m reminded of this truth. It was here when God first starting making His purposes and plans for my life known. Remember: the things revealed belong to His children forever!
- Kierstin Almstrum, ARISE Director of Online Operations and Project Management
About Kierstin
Kierstin is a writer and licensed and trained Christian counselor, certified in trauma informed care. She believes wholeness is a journey and, through the work of the Holy Spirit, what once was broken can become whole. Her passion is to equip others with the tools needed to start their journey. She is a published writer, featured in Truly Magazine.