REdefining PEACE

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Good Morning, friend!

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned as I interact with God’s Word is to come with an open-handed and surrendered posture, ready to let God’s Word inform and transform my perspective. Rather than search for a verse or phrase to fit my existing beliefs, I want God’s Word to teach me what to believe in the first place. He is the Creator of truth. He is the Truth.

As we study many aspects of “peace” this month, I’ve been fascinated by the word. My ears perk up when I come across peace in God’s Word. I want to study it and know it, because my limited perspective and earthly experience tells me I cannot have it entirely. I mean...take one glimpse at our world, and you’ll find a hundred reasons why we wouldn’t feel “peace” every day.

We are going to turn to the book of John and let God inform us of this concept of peace. I encourage you to open your Bible, and take a moment now to read John 14:15-30.

After reading that, I hope you’ve already breathed a sigh of relief. I know I have! There is something so comforting to me about this passage. Let’s camp on John 14:27 for a moment:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give to you.”

I’ve been pondering this concept of feeling peace at all times when we have Jesus, and it gets so tricky! All the events and troubles surrounding us are not peaceful, and yet somehow I’m supposed to be able to tune them out and feel peace at all times? How?

It was a couple days ago that I believe the Holy Spirit prompted me in this conviction...I’m still operating out of my definition of peace. My definition of peace was when I felt at ease. My definition of peace was limited to the moments when circumstances felt alright. My definition of peace was a false dismissal of feeling sad or broken or angry.

Did you get the overwhelming sense of my definition of peace having to do with feelings? What Jesus promises us in John 14 is not a feeling. It’s actually tied directly to a relationship with God. We have the privilege of experiencing true peace as we obey God out of love and, in return, experience unity with the Holy Spirit!

I’m so glad Jesus doesn’t just give me temporary moments of my definition of peace. Instead, Jesus redefines my earthly perspective of peace and promises this true peace eternally. He dwells with me-at all times! His version is so much better! But isn’t that just like Jesus to be the Giver of such priceless gifts?

It’s not too good to be true. This gift of peace comes from obedience to Jesus’ commands, fueled from our love of God. Let’s walk in true peace, as God defines it.

- Emily Heaton, Arise Worship Lead


The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace