The Practices of Jesus
Have you ever thought about how achieving basic physical health is not a big mystery? And yet, many of us (me included) struggle with daily habits that would contribute to healthy bodies. Right? Here’s what I mean—I’m going to list the (not so) secret sauce to achieving health, and you let me know if you learn something new or gasp in surprise:
· Eat healthy foods
· Drink water
· Exercise
· Get good sleep
Was anything revolutionary in that list? Probably not. Is that list impossible to accomplish? Nope. It’s actually very possible.
So, why are so many people still unhealthy?
I think the answer lies in a concept called transformation. Similar to our physical health habits, if our spiritual health habits are not transformed, we won’t be operating from the right foundation, and we’ll drift right back to unhealthy.
The Bible has a lot to say about transformation. Here are just a few verses that mention it:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!”
2 Corinthians 5:17
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Romans 12:2
One encouragement and reminder before I dive into my next thought: Please take note and re-read 2 Corinthians 5:17. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away…” If you are in Christ, you are operating from an ultimate place of victory through Jesus’ gift of salvation. Praise God! No earning required. Jesus paid it all.
Now, as we continue talking about transformation, we’re talking about God sanctifying us and molding us to be more like Him! The moment you receive salvation, you are secure in your standing with Christ—but none of us snaps our fingers and becomes faultless and sinless in our day-to-day actions. Cue the need for transformation each and every day.
Now with that reminder fresh in our hearts, let’s talk about three practices of Jesus that set us up for transformation.
Sabbath, Scripture, and simplicity.
If we desire to be transformed by Jesus, it only makes sense that we would be formed by the things He practiced. It only makes sense that we would study His lifestyle and emulate it.
The why is so important. We do not put things into practice because of fear, because of rules, or because of a ticket-to-heaven mentality. None of those things are based in what God is inviting us into when He offers transformation.
So, here is my “why.” I want to put these things into practice because Jesus truly knows and shows me the best way to live! He knows what I need. He knows what truly satisfies me. He knows the lies of the enemy, and He offers freedom, grace, and life in abundance!
This is why I want to put Sabbath, Scripture, and Simplicity into practice. Before deciding if you’re in, take a moment to be honest about your “why.”
Sabbath is all about setting aside one day each week to stop, rest, delight, and worship. It’s one of the most counter-cultural practices. Who has time to slow down?? (Hint: those who want to be transformed by Jesus make the time.)
Try it out and see if this rhythm in your week makes space for transformation!
Stop: Take a break from work. Take a break from consumerism and recognize God provides what you need.
Rest: If you work with your hands during the week, do something to refresh your mind! If you sit at a computer or desk all day, do something active! Rest doesn’t just mean sleep.
Delight: Take time to recognize the beauty around you!
Worship: Sabbath rest is not just about me-time. It’s about reorienting my posture to Jesus. It’s about placing priorities where they need to be.
How familiar are you with the Bible? In a world that offers plenty of lies, distractions, and confusion, we need to be grounded in the truth. God’s Word is a light for our path and a lamp for our feet. This is a huge way for making space for God’s transformation. The truth is, we are always being formed by something. Let it be God’s Word!
Similar to Sabbath, simplicity is such a counter-cultural way to live. But when we remove distractions, unhealthy desires, and dishonesties, we are making space for God’s transformation! What if you dramatically decreased your time on Instagram? What if you took a year-long break from purchasing things you didn’t need. What if you slowed down the pace of your schedule?
You might have flinched at the thought of one of those. Talk with God about why!
Friend, this was a very brief overview of three practices that have such depth if you dig into them. If you want to read more and learn about these practices, check out
God desires to fully transform your heart. He loves you. He created you. He knows what satisfies. Will you take a step to trust Him to transform you today?
— Emily Heaton
About Emily
As a worship leader, singer, and content writer, Emily is passionate about communication. Through her copywriting business (Words By Emily) as well as her experience in songwriting and blogging, she loves to use words to creatively communicate truth.