Practice Makes Perfect… Right?

As I was growing up, I often heard this phrase spoken to me, usually from a parent or coach in my moment of weakness or disappointment, to encourage me to keep putting the time and effort in, and results would come. This would help remind my heart every time I practiced that I was gaining in skill, even if it was too small to notice right then. I could always look back and see how far I had come and the growth achieved. It was a welcomed phrase that brought comfort, but also a much needed kick in the pants!

“But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You must do what it says. 
Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” 
— James 1:22

To master a skill takes practice. In fact, according to researchers, it takes 10,000 hours, which is roughly two hours a day for 14 years straight. That might sound crazy and unattainable, but I would say that we are in fact “practicing” all kinds of things in our day to day life and becoming “masters” in ways we don’t even realize. What things are you consciously choosing to practice, and what things are you unaware of that are shaping and forming habits in your life? 

Don’t underestimate the power of small habits. What we do is what we become, and small compromises lead to big sin.

Pause for a moment and take some time to look at your daily habits. Make a mental list or take it a step further, and jot down the things that come to mind. Drinking coffee, working out, eating the same breakfast, scrolling social media, working, calling your mom, eating two packs of fruit snacks (or more.… is that just me?). All of these habits are consuming the hours in our day to day life, and they are forming us into something or someone. 

Who are you becoming?

As you thought through your daily routine, what did you notice? Are there things you do daily that allow time for you to hear from the Lord? Find ways to invite Him into even the simplest tasks. As you reach for your morning coffee, you could sit in a moment of gratitude and list five things you are thankful for as you wait for that warm, liquid gold to fill your favorite mug. Set a timer at noon each day to pray for five minutes for your friends and family. As you run, walk, or ride you can listen to a Christian podcast or prayer app. Spend one day a week fasting a meal and using that time to pray for those who are going through great trials and hard times…that person may even be you in this season. God wants to be involved in EVERY aspect of our lives and can’t wait for us to share things WITH Him. We don’t have to do it alone!

“Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” 
— John 15:5

We’ve talked about some fun, practical ways to enter into that abiding lifestyle with God, but we truly can’t do anything well without God. It’s never too late to break a bad habit and replace it with a good one. Find people around you to do this with you, and help support and spur each other on! Put into practice the things we know to do in our minds, and life will become an outflow of our redeemed hearts.

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.”

- Jessica Ritchie, Worship Leader

About Jessica

As a licensed esthetician, worship leader, and outdoor enthusiast, Jess is passionate about finding the beauty in everything she does, and with everyone she meets. She can often be found drawing inspiration from chasing around her 4 adventurous kids, or deep in conversation with someone where time becomes nonexistent. Recently transplanted from the PNW back to the desert, Jess helps lead worship at Arise.


Living in Unnecessary Defeat


My Hallelujah