Hidden, but Not Hiding

Come out of hiding
You’re safe here with me.
There is no need to cover 
What I already see

These authentic lyrics depicting the Father’s heartfelt invitation to intimacy radically shifted my relationship with God from one of retreat to one of embrace. For years, hiding served as my illusion of safety. But I discovered what I once viewed as safety had manifested as bondage. While I searched for safety and comfort in hiding, God was waiting for me to run into His arms and experience what it felt like to be truly protected by His embrace. I spent so much time hiding and running from intimacy, only to realize God wanted to hide me away, in Him. 

“For you are my dove, hidden in the split open rock.
It was I who hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky.” — Song of Songs 2:14a 

There is a difference between hiding and being hidden.

In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve hid from God because their sin revealed they were naked, and they experienced shame for the very first time. When God came looking for them, He called out to them, “Where are you?” (Gen. 3:9; NIV) His words were not ones of condemnation but reflected the utter love of a concerned Father seeking out His children. His response to their actions was filled with grace, but they saw His love through a lens of brokenness. Sin disfigured the narrative. 

Shame says, “Hide from God, He doesn’t want to see you.” Grace says, “Come out of hiding, you are safe.” Is this familiar script also echoing in your mind?  

Intimacy with the Father requires vulnerability and authenticity. He asks us to strip down any walls we have constructed or airs we have adorned ourselves with, and come to Him, fully. As women, we have such a desire to be seen, known, and loved. However, there comes a point where it is a little too close for comfort, and we put up barriers to that intimacy. “I don’t want to let anyone into that part of my story. They won’t understand. They won’t get it. So, we hide. 

But guess what? God does. He sees you. He sees every part of you. He shaped you in the secret place, long before your existence. Since He sees the depths of our souls, He speaks to us individually, uniquely, specially. I know this because three years ago, He reached me by speaking these exact words: 

“Little caterpillar,
You have been in the cocoon for far too long.
It is time to spread your wings and fly.”

In that moment, life stood still. I was breathless. Those words penetrated my soul. He was right. I wasted so much time hiding. Hiding from the world. Hiding from Him. And His words promised He had so much more. I wanted to leave the cocoon and never look back. But I felt a barrier. I didn’t know how to step out and reach Him. I didn’t know how to say yes, spread my wings and fly. 

During Arise Season 1, mere days after God first called me little caterpillar, the song “Out of Hiding” by Stephanie Gretzinger served as my ultimate breakthrough: 

Come out of hiding,
You’re safe here with me. 
There is no need to cover
What I already see.

 You’ve got your reasons
But I hold your peace. 
You’ve been on lockdown
And I hold the key. 

‘Cause I loved you before you knew it was love
I saw it all, still I chose the cross
And you were the one I was thinking of 
When I rose from the grave

 No need to be frightened by intimacy
Just throw off your fear
And come running to me

In that moment, God broke through. I took two steps and found myself at the altar. I sobbed. I cried through every barrier, every fear, every resistance—everything holding me back. He ransomed me from the cocoon I had once made my home. And ever since that day, He has called me, butterfly

There is security and protection in our vulnerability. When we invite Him in, He shields us from every harm. In intimacy, He hides us away. He creates for us a safe place, where we can rest. 

“When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High our secret hiding place, we will be shielded from harm.”  — Psalm 91:9 TPT

Are you hidden or hiding? Are you running from intimacy with the Father because you don’t want Him to see all of you? Sister, He already sees you. He sees all of you. He loves you. He wants to embrace you in His grace. It is time to come home. Let Him hide you away. And if you are ever tempted to retreat, I encourage you to cling to the simple fact I continually call to mind, “Butterflies don’t live in cocoons.”

- Kierstin Almstrum, Soul Care + Connections Lead

About Kierstin

Kierstin is a licensed and trained Christian counselor. She believes wholeness is a journey and that, through the work of the Holy Spirit, what once was broken can become whole. Her passion is to equip others with the tools needed to start their journey.


The Universe isn’t for You, but There is a God Who is.


How Long?