Helmet of Salvation

helmet of salvation.png

Good morning, Arisers!

What do you do when you ride…anything!?

When I was a girl, I fought the helmet. Yes, even if it was pink. It was bulky, uncomfortable, and I never thought it looked cute on me. Typical girl, right? It’s interesting, even as an adult, how imperative it is to put on a helmet. No lie, I thought this phase would end.

Earlier this year, I went to Sedona with my parents to ride four-wheelers in the desert. If you haven’t done it, it’s amazing! I will never forget what the guide said to us…

“Even if we stop, even if we pull to the side, please never take off your helmet—not until the ride is over.”

Honestly, I was bummed, and truly—how was I supposed to get a cute picture?!

In the same way, the Helmet of Salvation is not only “important,” it is our lifeline.
But do we, as believers, view it as critically important in the spiritual realm? Our salvation is our greatest gift! It is a force. It gives us access to heaven. This is our salvation—the free gift we receive from God through believing that even in our sin, Jesus sacrificed His life and was raised from the dead so that we could live forever with Him!

When we are told to put on our Helmet of Salvation, do we see it as a vital part of protection against the enemy?

The enemy can not rob us of the eternity that awaits us in Christ. When we choose God, we have salvation, and we now know how the story ends. It looks like victory and being in the presence of God forever!

What is the helmet protecting? When we wear it, it protects the main source of functioning, of life—our brain, our mind.

A powerful verse that comes to mind talks about transforming our mind so that we will be able to know God’s will.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve
what God’s will is—His good, pleasing, and perfect will.”
Romans 12:2

Just as putting on the helmet of salvation is a force, it also protects our mind so we can think correctly and make wise decisions. As Romans 12:2 states, when we renew our mind, we have direction.

Salvation is protecting you, and what it is protecting is also key in directing you.

- Lauren Gilleylen, Communications Lead


About Lauren

Lauren is a women’s ministry leader and the Communications Lead at ARISE. She has always had a heart for young girls and women finding their identity, freedom and strength through their relationship with God


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