Half Baked Promises

Have you ever baked a cake, measured all the ingredients perfectly, popped it in the oven, and then cut into it, it collapses, and it is all ooey and gooey on the inside? What happened? I thought I did everything right, but I got impatient and took it out before it was fully baked. And here I am, left with a half-baked cake.

God gave me this visual several years ago to illustrate the consequences of unlocking His promises prematurely. I was on the cusp of making a few major decisions and God reminded me, don’t settle for half-baked promises, you will end up with a big gooey mess!

I can relate to the sentiment of Habakkuk, and perhaps you can too:

“How long, O Lord must I call for help, but you do not listen?” Habakkuk 1:2 NIV

Here is how God responded to his plea:

“Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5 NIV

I have a little bit of an astonishing truth to shower on you this morning, girls:

Fully baked promises will leave us amazed! 

Recently, I received a taste of this truth. I received a piece of this promise and I can attest to the fact that God is so good that even if He told you what He was going to do, it would be so mind blowing and unbelievable, you wouldn’t believe Him. What I received was beyond my wildest imagination, but I knew it was from Him because it aligned with what He had originally promised.

There is more to gleam from the story of Habakkuk:

“Then the Lord replied: Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time.” Habakkuk 2-3 NIV

Write down the original promise,

 in the exact words He spoke

God’s promises are fulfilled in the fullness of time. The nation of Israel received a promise centuries earlier- the promise of a Savior. When God is speaking to Habakkuk, He is referring to this promise of redemption, the gift of Jesus.

God responds to our moans and groans. He hears us! But just like a loving parent, He has our best in mind. Too often I think we attempt to unlock our promises prematurely. This results in fabricating our own plan Bs. But girls, don’t these attempts to live outside of God’s will leave us with a big ooey gooey mess? Just like God did when He sent Jesus, we must wait for the fullness of time.

“But when the time had finally come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.” Galatians 4:4 NIV

We didn’t receive a half-baked Savior. So much had to happen in time and history before Jesus could walk on the earth and carry out His kingdom mission. From the beginning, the Father knew He would be sending His Son. This was no surprise to Him. But, He too, had to wait until the time had come, for the fulfillment of this promise.

God didn’t send a half-baked Savior,

so why are we settling for half-baked promises!

Are you expecting God’s best, becoming impatient, and settling for good enough? My dear sisters, don’t settle. Don’t settle for second best. Don’t settle for plan B. Trust God that in the fullness of time, you will receive your promise, fully baked.

Now if you have settled, there is still grace to be found. God grants us abundant grace, grace upon grace, as stated in John 1:16. This grace gives us hope for tomorrow and erases the mistakes of yesterday. Aren’t you so glad God is that good? He sees us heaped in shame and tosses the burden off our shoulders and reminds us, “I have more for you.” Our yesterdays do not define our todays or tomorrows. Faithfully receive the gift of His next promise, completely and fully baked.   

- Kierstin Almstrum, Soul Care + Connections Lead

About Kierstin

Kierstin is a licensed and trained Christian counselor. She believes wholeness is a journey and that, through the work of the Holy Spirit, what once was broken can become whole. Her passion is to equip others with the tools needed to start their journey.


Meekness is not Weakness


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