Dangerous Swords

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We’ve been talking about the Sword of the Spirit this month, and when I think about it, it’s a pretty big deal that Jesus equipped us with so much power. God’s Word is our “sword.” Swords are powerful! They protect! They are used in defense and offense! But as I considered the power we have at our fingertips, it got me thinking…I better do some sword training.

Can you imagine picking up an actual sword and heading into a battle with no training or understanding of the mighty weapon in your hand? That’s a disaster waiting to happen. 

For fun, I looked into some common qualities of a successful sword fighter. It was interesting to read about the important aspects of being able to handle a sword effectively. Some of these aspects included: physical conditioning, mental awareness/calmness/serenity, confidence, timing, and caution.  

I found those last two qualities to be quite interesting: timing and caution. How would that help someone in battle?

Well, for one, if you’re not paying attention to the timing of your swing or if you’re unaware of your surroundings, isn’t it true that your sword could hurt people whom you don’t intend to hurt? In the same way, how might our ignorant use of Scripture as a weapon hurt others when our battle is not even against people in the first place? God’s Word tells us: 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — (Ephesians 6:12)

When I think about the gift of God’s Word and the power in it, I get this strong urge to be able to use it well, to know it, and to let it inform my decisions.

To do that effectively, how am I “training” my spiritual body to be able to handle such a weapon?

Am I spiritually conditioning myself by soaking in the words of Scripture, treasuring them in my heart? 

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
— (Psalm 119:11)

Am I allowing the “sword” to transform and renew my mind? 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will. — (Romans 12:2)

God is so gracious by giving us the gift of His Word! And He empowers us through His Spirit to be able to use this Sword of the Spirit effectively.

Let’s not be afraid to dive in and know God’s Word. Let’s read it and discipline ourselves to seek the Holy Spirit for understanding and wisdom.

Only then will we be effective in battle, carrying our swords with confidence and effective strength. 

— Emily Heaton, Arise Worship Lead


About Emily

Emily is our Worship Team Lead at ARISE! She has a degree in English Communications with minors in Bible and Worship Arts. She has grown in those passions while working as a Marketing Coordinator, Worship Pastor, and now a Communication Coordinator.


How Does God Speak?


Sword of the Spirit