The Arise Movement

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Reflect and Ponder

“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”

-John Dewey

I love to learn. To bury my face in books and soak up all the knowledge I can. I didn’t always love to read. In fact, I can remember when things shifted and my desire changed. It was the day I found out I was pregnant with my first kiddo. Before that, I only read what I was told to read for school. This was probably because I didn’t really take life too seriously until then and I probably should have. You see, I was pregnant, not married, and at the ripe old age of 20. It was time to grow up. My first book of choice…..”What To Expect When You Are Expecting”…..I know really riveting stuff right?!….I can feel your eyes rolling….don’t worry mine are too! I had a lot to learn and I knew my life was going to change, but I didn’t really understand just how much. In just one day everything changed, and it was the shake up I needed to get me back on track with Jesus.

I started reading all the parenting books I could get my hands on. I think at first, this was a way to deal with the anxiety and fear of not knowing how to be a parent, but the more I read the more I wanted to read. Knowledge is powerful and I began to thirst for it. I had my heart set on two things during this time. One was to learn how to be the best parent I could be, and the other was to find my way back to Jesus. A faith I had walked away from and was desperate to return to.

Fast forward a couple decades and I can tell you that knowledge is only one part of living out a transformed life. It will simply stay in our minds unless we are willing to do something with it. Or more importantly, if we allow God to do something with it. Big life-changing experiences tend to put us face to face with reality, and force us to reflect upon how we arrived there. We review all the decisions made along the way, reflecting on each step that lead us to where we find ourselves. But do we have to wait until life gets turned upside down to finally take a step back and see what led to our circumstance? I think the secret is to find time each day to ponder our path and allow space for life-altering reflection.

“Ponder the path of our feet; then all your ways will be sure.”

-Proverbs 4:26 ESV

What does it mean to ponder or reflect? The definition of ponder is: To consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate or to weigh carefully in the mind; consider thoughtfully. The definition of reflect is: To cast back light, to think, ponder, or meditate.

Reflecting on our life experiences is where healing is found. I like how it says “to cast back light” in the definition of reflect. God is revealed to us as light, and when we consider something deeply and carefully while holding it up to God’s truth and light, we reflect Jesus back to our own souls and minds and experience something that is beyond us…something miraculous really. This can be done in solitude as we prayerfully bring our daily experiences before God. Or we can practice pondering things with trusted friends or a trusted Godly counselor. When the dark places in our life are revealed and placed in the hands of a wonderworking God, light can be seen again in places we never thought possible. I have experienced the power of healing and restoration of things in my life that I thought were broken beyond repair; God can do the same for you. I encourage you to ponder your path and uncover what has been hidden, and allow God’s goodness to heal, restore, and bring light to your soul.

- Jessica Ritchie, Worship Leader