The Arise Movement

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What is my Role?

See! I am doing a new thing; Do you perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19a

Do you ever set aside time to meditate on small portions of Scripture?

In our goal-oriented world and to-do lists of accomplishments, taking a “part a” section of one single verse could feel unproductive in our study. But God’s Word holds such precious value and depth—and even in a small phrase, I believe there is deep truth to be discovered. So, go ahead. Read Isaiah 43:19a a few times. Take all morning if you need to. I believe God wants to speak to you through this verse. 

See! I am doing a new thing; Do you perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19a

I’ve been reading and re-reading this verse, and something struck me as I meditated on its truth today. What are the roles in this section of Isaiah 43:19a? Who is doing the new thing? And who is doing the perceiving?  

Let’s take the first phrase: “I am doing a new thing.”

It’s pretty clear in the 18 verses leading up to Isaiah 43:19 that the LORD is the one doing a new thing. In my ESV translation, the word “LORD” is referenced eight times in Isaiah 43:1-18. We hear “Thus says the LORD,” “I am the LORD,” “…declares the LORD.” And the beauty of this chapter is packed with the authority of our LORD holding the role of doing a new thing.

As I read and re-read Isaiah 43:19a, I couldn’t help but realize whose power was not doing a new thing. Mine. I love leadership. I love obeying the LORD in spreading the good news of His kingdom. But the moment I slip into believing I’m the one doing a new thing…I’ve misunderstood the reality of my role versus the LORD’s role.

This brings us to the second phrase: “Do you perceive it?”

The LORD is asking His children, those He has called by name, and those who are chosen—“Do you perceive it?” Do we perceive the new things He has done and will do? With all my heart, I long to perceive these things! What about you? How do we get to a place of being able to effectively perceive the new thing the LORD is doing so we can fully run after it in obedience?

I believe a huge hint comes in Isaiah 44:3. The LORD references pouring out His Spirit. Wow. This is the Old Testament, and we’re hearing promises to God’s chosen children of the Holy Spirit being poured out. This is EXCITING. (If you can’t handle the cliff hanger, read Acts 2. It gives an amazing account of what this looked like played out in the life of the early church.)

So, if we want to effectively perceive the new thing our LORD is doing, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Let’s take a look at a few verses to help us understand this gift from God:

In John 14:26, we’re told the Holy Spirit is our Helper. Other translations say “Advocate” or “Counselor.” We are given counsel and reminders of God’s teaching.

A couple of chapters later, in John 16:7-8, we read the Holy Spirit convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment.

1 Corinthians 2:10-11 is huge. The Holy Spirit, dwelling in followers of Jesus, is able to reveal to us wisdom and truth from the depths of God! If your mind is not blown by this…I am not sure what else to say! This is AMAZING, friends! What a gift!

We have the ability and the invitation to perceive the new thing the LORD is doing. And the generous gift from our Father is His Holy Spirit, sent to guide, teach, convict, and reveal truth to us as we walk this faith journey together.

Let this bring a big smile to your face, joy in your heart, and full anticipation of all we have yet to perceive of our LORD!

I’m personally led to a place of gratitude and humility. And bubbling up in me from this gratitude is the desire to run, full steam ahead, in obedience to the new things the LORD wants to do around me. Let’s run after it together, friends!

— Emily Heaton